
43 posts
Oh God, Bend Me

Oh God, Bend Me

I’ve been reading a lot lately. I’ve also been thinking in lines of poetry. I believe it’s evidence of the way my brain is turning and reading helps to calm it down. The “poetry line thoughts” are my mind’s way of releasing emotion that it can’...

Eventually, I Wondered

Eventually, I Wondered

For some reason (probably because this blog is something like a progress journal), I feel the need to note here that this marks the first poem I’ve written since middle school. This post is two months to the day of my last blog post and everything I’ve tried...

Which Way Is Up?

Which Way Is Up?

I’ve been trying to figure out what brave looks like now, by remembering the days of bold. Different sets of years just feel like two radically different days and I’m connecting the dots between now and an uninterrupted, anxiety-free yesterday. A few months ago, someone told me I...

When Vulnerability’s Not Your Thing

When Vulnerability’s Not Your Thing

The word “vulnerable” is derived from the Latin word “vulnus,” which means “wound.” To be vulnerable is defined as being “susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.” See also: powerless, weak. It’s no wonder we’re so resistant to the notion of being vulnerable to others. Vulnerability is...

Weight of the Words

Weight of the Words

That happened fast. I blinked and suddenly, it’s been three months since I posted here. I can place 90% of the blame for my time away on grad school. But every time I get to study an advertising principle or write a paper defending the practice of social media...

Knowledge Is Easy

Knowledge Is Easy

In middle school, I hung out with a group that was very diverse in every way, many of whom I still have contact with today. We had almost all of our classes together and our own section of the cafeteria at lunch time. We sat in the same section of...

What Friends Are For

What Friends Are For

When I think about true friendship, I think about middle school. I think about the days of sleepovers and passing notes, nights and weekends of the same activities with the same group. My friends and I knew everything (and I do mean everything) about each other and shared the type...

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