It’s that time of the year again, where all of my friend’s birthdays are occurring back to back – meaning weeks of scurrying to make or buy gifts plus attending dinner parties and such. This time it’s the year of 21st birthdays. The March babies are giving me an excuse right now to indulge in fun times and good eats in honor of their special days. This past week, my roommate’s birthday dinner was held at Basil’s, a restaurant in town that serves Italian and Greek influenced dishes, in addition to dessert that I clearly couldn’t resist.

In an effort to not go broke celebrating the birthdays of my dear friends, I’ve thought of a few ways to control my shopping. I do realize that I can’t resist it but I can be more logical in my purchases. Yet again, I’ve made a couple more shopping rules for myself.



I’ve spent too much time and money on impulse buys and now my closet contains too many things I either don’t like very much or impractical fantasy items that I won’t be wearing to any event any time soon (really, I’m surprised I don’t have a wedding dress already).

Sweater: thrifted, Scarf: Express, Jeggings: Pacsun, Boots: Sam Edelman, Earrings and Watch: Belk.

…which results in me being more creative with what I already have, and saving up so I can buy nicer things when I do shop. (Except for this one little impulse buy shown above of the STEAL I found – Sam Edelman boots for $7! Yes way.)