
9 posts

Favorites of the Food Blogs

A little while ago I became obsessed with food blogs, especially those with beautiful photography. There are SO many great ones out there and every now and then I’d like to highlight a few of my favorites. Cooking is one form of creating that I find very rewarding (because...

Pumpkin Fever

I know a lot of people don’t see what the fuss is about and can’t stand anything with pumpkin flavor (like my mom — how can we be related?), but I’m obsessively into this season. I’m talking full-blown pumpkin fever. It all started with lattes and these...

Cupcake Bouquet

I’m generally not the crafty type, but I magically gain a little more patience for creating when I get an excuse to bake something. Yesterday was a good friend, Terresa’s, birthday (twenty one!) and I wanted make a gift instead of racking my brain trying to figure out...

Collecting Moments

Wearing my favorite shirt and my favorite necklace on the same day makes for a good one. It’s been quite a busy time, moving in and out of places, but I’m finally starting to get settled. Any trouble I’m having is my fault since I discovered that...

Indulge the Day

It’s that time of the year again, where all of my friend’s birthdays are occurring back to back – meaning weeks of scurrying to make or buy gifts plus attending dinner parties and such. This time it’s the year of 21st birthdays. The March babies are giving me...

Insta-Shan: New Beginnings

I didn’t realize how many pictures I’ve started to take and how obsessed I’m starting to be with the Instagram app until I wanted to do this post. I was always annoyed by bloggers doing constant posts full of camera pictures when they clearly have a DSLR...


Just a few random pictures from this week. 1. Took my own outfit picture, whilst falling more and more in love with my new camera every day. 2. Tried a recipe for crispy cheddar chicken from Jamie Cooks It Up and it turned out great. I’m always looking for...

Wild Flowers

(DRESS – RUE 21, PEARL HEART RING – PACSUN, NUDE FLATS – STEVE MADDEN) My line for the day was, “I know I look like a flower garden but it’s so hot I don’t care!” I bought this dress years ago, back when Rue21 actually sold decent looking clothes and not...

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