Wearing my favorite shirt and my favorite necklace on the same day makes for a good one.
It’s been quite a busy time, moving in and out of places, but I’m finally starting to get settled. Any trouble I’m having is my fault since I discovered that I have entirely too many shoes that won’t even nearly fit into my new, down-sized closet. I like the apartment so much better, though – the homey, wholesome, quiet environment, but I’m going to have to get creative with the tiny closet. Things are about to start speeding up with fall semester classes starting a week from today, but I’m fighting hard to stay focused and organized. For more mini moments of my life such as these, be sure to follow me on Instagram.
Last day shooting photos for my internship as a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.
First meal I made in the new apartment: spaghetti with garlic and olives.
Beautiful sky on my way home.
Fried catfish lunch at Cheddar’s with a co-worker. Can you tell that I love to eat?
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