You know those weeks where you think they’ll go smoothly and be mostly uneventful until it starts and you end up adding a million things to your planner? That’s how this one was. My main project this week was the designing and publishing of Style a Pirate, a blog I’m doing along with three other girls for the Apparel and Interior Merchandising Organization at my school. We ended the week in a meeting with the advisory board for the Merchandising department, full of helpful and inspiring advice for our future careers. With that, I’m starting the process of turning my dreams into plans. As busy as this week turned out to be, I am pleased that the hard work paid off and hopefully this weekend I’ll be reacquainted with sleep and leisure time.

Relaxing with my new, lightweight, convenient and sleek Ultrabook.
My artsy roommate, Alexis, in a denim bow tie she made.
I’ve been pretty into smaller, more dainty jewelry lately.

My other roommate/blog photographer, Andrea, with her new MK watch and Steve Madden bag.