I thought it might help a bit to lay out in photos what’s running through my head. It’s still mostly scorching hot here, but fall is all that’s on my mind. Here’s my mental shopping list…

1. Sweaters and even more scarves.

2. Casseroles and other easy recipes. I’m trying to save money on food and although I do like cooking sometimes, I am not one to slave over a hot stove for hours. Probably because I’m a busy college student and not a housewife.

3. A messenger bag. Ever since I came to school, handbags are not at the top of my list anymore. One nice, neutral colored bag for fall would probably do and I’ll alternate with a few others that I already have.

4. Blazers and chiffon. Lots and lots of chiffon. I’m obsessed with that material lately.

5. The Canon camera I’ve been dying to have. I know it’s probably all in my head but I think I need it so badly for this blog. I thought it would be easier for me to save up for it but I can’t stop shopping and with fall coming up, I think it’s more important to get clothes first. Sure wish I could get both at once.

6. Necklaces with little charms, maybe some lace, and possibly wearing my hair curly sometimes.

A few honorable mentions I’m also looking forward to: dark denim, boots, and darker nail polish shades.